I am honored that you would choose to support this project and have my work as part of your collection. If the value of this collection increases, it is because you, the community of supporters, have determined that they are worth more than the value I have listed them at. This seems like how value in the marketplace should work. With that said, I have been trying to think of different things to reward all of you who purchased on the primary or secondary market.

Owning an MLAW NFT comes with rewards. As the value of each NFT increases on the secondary market, so does your reward when you purchase it. If you purchase a higher-valued MLAW, you will receive all the previous tier rewards.


Every owner of an MLAW NFT will receive a mystery bag of Keemo tangible art goodies.
- Items may include stickers, print, cards, illustrations, etc…

LEVEL 2 - Value reaches .5 ETH

A free NFT variant of your NFT. The variant will be the “Black & White Variant”
- Rarity will be determined by how many previous owners there have been before you. It will be numbered according to release.

LEVEL 3 - Value reaches 1 ETH

A free NFT variant of your NFT. The variant will be the “Inverted Variant.”
- Rarity will be determined by how many previous owners there have been before you. It will be numbered according to release.

LEVEL 4 - Value reaches 5 ETH

A one of a kind (1:1) custom variant of your NFT
Extremely rare. I will personally create a custom variant specifically for you.




Each NFT is identified by its unique ID that contains the release number and the date. This helps easily identify where each NFT fits into the timeline of the piece.

.075 ETH