This is a single piece of artwork that will be completed when I die.

Welcome to the very beginning of the most ambitious art project I have ever attempted.

I will work on this painting for the rest of my life and document the whole process.

When I die it will be complete.

I have no idea when the end will be and where this will go until that time.  It will evolve and change over time, just as I do. It will reflect the creative idea of the moment and then be lost to time as it changes into something else.

Just as we all do. 

Thank you for joining me on this journey. It’s great to have you here.


With NFTs we can now document and own original artwork like never before.

To document my life’s artwork, I will be dropping new, unique, 1 of 1, NFTs after each session. NFTs provide us with the opportunity to harness moments in the creative process and to open up new discussions about what art is, the art world, and who owns it. 

This will be the official record of ownership and new NFT’s will be made available after each session.

I am honored and humbled that you are here.